Monday, June 26, 2017
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Save Blaze
That poor Monster Machine needs mouth to snout resuscitation! There has been no word on this at this time. sign this Petiton to keep it running here nickelodeon-save-blaze-the-monster-machines
Please help save ZOOM
Save ZOOM or Revive FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman (Ugh!). ZOOM got cancelled while Season 7 was edited and Season 8 was going to Happen
I learned ZOOM was cancelled. I will be posting some cool things today and Tommorrow. So of it will include Videos, cool Links about the show, and a few more.
I Know why WGBH cancelled ZOOM. Will all of the petitions added up on Facebook, youtube, and the two other sites we are at a grand total of 2,350 Signatures. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND KEEP SPREADING THE WORD.
Why WGBH Cancelled Season 8
On Febuary 14, 2005, WGBH cancelled production on ZOOM Season 8 due to Low Ratings
Zfact #3
Did you know that over 3,700 people auditioned for the sixth season before the show was cancelled.
End of Season 18
This WEEK would have marked the end of season 18 if ZOOM weren't Cancelled. Also it would have marked the reveling of new episodes of Season 8. KEEP THE SHOW ALIVE AND SUPPORT THE PETITIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
A New History of ZOOM
For those of you that don't know the show too well here is a bief history of the show and how the show got cancelled.
About the show:
ZOOM sometimes stylized as Zoom was a children's television series for children ages 6–11 on PBS of educational programming. It is a reality show/Mickey Mouse Club Parody that is hosted by 7 (3 Boys and 4 Girls) Real Life Kids who use Science to act out Kids' Ideas. The series ran for five seasons and 100 episodes from January 4 1999 to May 6 2005 on PBS. It was announced in Febuary 2005 by WGBH that due to low Ratings that the series would end.
ZOOM is a Rip-Off of the Mickey Mouse Club (1955-1959, 1977-1978, 1989-1995) where young Hosts take on various Science to act out Activites sent in by Kids. During these Science based Activites, the Hosts must answer fan mail also sent in by Kids, depending on the situation. There is also an educational component, as hosts often must learn something (i.e. Astronomy, Carpentry, Food Science, Biology, etc.) in order to complete the task.
Not all hosts do these Activites each episode to complete tasks. As determined, the hosts who remain behind in the studio participate in the "ZOOM Playhouse", in which they act out in Skits sent in by Kids. Out on challenges, hosts have the potential to read Poems. The Hosts in the studio have a chance to tell a Joke. To answer all the questions in the ZOOM Zinger Segment. They can pass on the question and return to it if extra time is left. Usually, there is also a ZOOM into Action (Known in Season 1 and 2 as ZOOM a Cum Laude), which states that every Host will thank People for what they did for protecting the Earth. Additionally, there are between 5 and 10 "Bonus" points (sometimes 15 or 20 points) available for Hosts in the "ZOOM Games". On rare occasions, there is the possibility to earn more than 100 points (outside of any bonuses). The record for most points earned in one episode was 125, by Pablo in episode 2, season 1.
The show had auditions for their eighth season in January 2005, but on Febuary 14, 2005, WGBH Boston announced that Season 7 will be the final season due to Low Ratings. On March 27, 2010, Noreen Raja (One of the ZOOMers) made the official announcement at the Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony. On her Facebook page she said, "It's such an impossible task going up against Sesame Street, Between the Lions, and Barney & Friends. So you have to consider the nomination as a win. Can't complain. PBS gave us 201 episodes and 7 seasons. Many good shows never saw that kind of time." ZOOM aired its seventh season from April 2005 to May 6, 2005
About the show:
ZOOM sometimes stylized as Zoom was a children's television series for children ages 6–11 on PBS of educational programming. It is a reality show/Mickey Mouse Club Parody that is hosted by 7 (3 Boys and 4 Girls) Real Life Kids who use Science to act out Kids' Ideas. The series ran for five seasons and 100 episodes from January 4 1999 to May 6 2005 on PBS. It was announced in Febuary 2005 by WGBH that due to low Ratings that the series would end.
ZOOM is a Rip-Off of the Mickey Mouse Club (1955-1959, 1977-1978, 1989-1995) where young Hosts take on various Science to act out Activites sent in by Kids. During these Science based Activites, the Hosts must answer fan mail also sent in by Kids, depending on the situation. There is also an educational component, as hosts often must learn something (i.e. Astronomy, Carpentry, Food Science, Biology, etc.) in order to complete the task.
Not all hosts do these Activites each episode to complete tasks. As determined, the hosts who remain behind in the studio participate in the "ZOOM Playhouse", in which they act out in Skits sent in by Kids. Out on challenges, hosts have the potential to read Poems. The Hosts in the studio have a chance to tell a Joke. To answer all the questions in the ZOOM Zinger Segment. They can pass on the question and return to it if extra time is left. Usually, there is also a ZOOM into Action (Known in Season 1 and 2 as ZOOM a Cum Laude), which states that every Host will thank People for what they did for protecting the Earth. Additionally, there are between 5 and 10 "Bonus" points (sometimes 15 or 20 points) available for Hosts in the "ZOOM Games". On rare occasions, there is the possibility to earn more than 100 points (outside of any bonuses). The record for most points earned in one episode was 125, by Pablo in episode 2, season 1.
The show had auditions for their eighth season in January 2005, but on Febuary 14, 2005, WGBH Boston announced that Season 7 will be the final season due to Low Ratings. On March 27, 2010, Noreen Raja (One of the ZOOMers) made the official announcement at the Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony. On her Facebook page she said, "It's such an impossible task going up against Sesame Street, Between the Lions, and Barney & Friends. So you have to consider the nomination as a win. Can't complain. PBS gave us 201 episodes and 7 seasons. Many good shows never saw that kind of time." ZOOM aired its seventh season from April 2005 to May 6, 2005
From ZOOM's Season 6 Page
Were back ZOOM is still cancelled due to low ratings so there will be no Season 8 for right now. WGBH is working very hard to bring back the show so stay tuned.
Admin of the Month Question #1
here is the Admin of the Month question (Just in case you missed it.
you can pick one of the two topics.
ZOOM Is usually Filming every year. How is a season of ZOOM Produced. Describe the filming/ editing process.
you can pick one of the two topics.
ZOOM Is usually Filming every year. How is a season of ZOOM Produced. Describe the filming/ editing process.
Cancellation, When ZOOM was cancelled how did it end up being cancelled. Decribe how it got and cancelled and what happened since then to Now.
I would suggest to give lots of detail in the answer.
Cancellation, When ZOOM was cancelled how did it end up being cancelled. Decribe how it got and cancelled and what happened since then to Now.
I would suggest to give lots of detail in the answer.
Don't Cancel ZOOM, PBS!
PBS has done a stupid thing for cancelling ZOOM. PBS should've cancelled Sesame Street instead. I mean why cancel ZOOM if they had auditions for a 8th Season so popular. And I'm talking a website that we should create. People read websites all the time so I want you fans to spread the word everywhere to sign the petition at, Maybe we can get more signatures to the petition and I'm talking thousands and thousands of signatures. So what are you waiting for spread the word to your family, your friends at school, Your friends at work. We can't live without new episodes of ZOOM Helps us out guys!!!! Let's Save ZOOM!
Save ZOOM because it got cancelled in Febuary 2005 due to Low Ratings. Currently we have 2,049 signatures. Can you please help us get more by signing. We need exactly 15,000 signatures.
ZOOM Petiton Update
For all the new members of this page who don't know how ZOOM got cancelled here's what happened. In November 2004, PBS renewed ZOOM for a 8th season and WGBH announced auditions for the show. On January 9 and 10th, 2005 Auditions were held over 3,700 people auditioned for the show. in Late May. On WGBH's auction site Fans started finding stuff that they were selling from ZOOM! The Season 3-5 Computer and Map from the show. On Febuary 14, 2005. One Fan asked one of the people of the WGBH Facebook page if they could take pictures of the crew putting up the set for the new season. They came back to her and said that ZOOM was no longer in production at WGBH. The reason of the cancellation is low ratings. WGBH announced that the next airing season which was Season 7 will be the final season. It turns out that PBS changed their mind about renewing the show.
Please Save ZOOMSad!
That disappointing moment when your favorite TV show gets cancelled and you start a petition and alot of people have signed and you realize that it won't be back.

Why, WGBH, Why?
Why was ZOOM going to be Cancelled after Season 7? Weeks before they announced the cancellation they put the Map and the (Season 3-5) Computer up for auction. They got to sell the Computer and had no luck with the Map. Fans thought they were just upgrading the set for Season 8 but they were wrong.
Alot of ZOOM Fans should watch this episode of Arthur titled The Last of Mary Moo Cow. After her favorite show Mary Moo Cow gets cancelled D.W starts a petition to try to force her show to go back on the air. And that's what were trying to do to ZOOM!
Friday, June 23, 2017
Pizza or Ipad
ZFACT: Before the show was going to be named I Think I Can Productions, the working titles were Pizza and Ipad.
ZOOM Original
Remember ZOOM started being developed in 1997 under the 2 names Pizza and Ipad and didn't get the greenlight until a year later.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
The money from nearly 23,000 donors will be used to bring PBS Kids's cult TV classic to a new generation of readers by building a web version for families at home, creating a classroom version for teachers and providing free access to it for schools in need.
If they Bring Back ZOOM...
I love ZOOM. Can you imagine what it's like if ZOOM was revived for Season 8 on Netflix?
ZOOM gets axed: Shining Time visits Sesame Street
As you found out in the previous part, Shining Time Station was to be replaced with another, similar show. In the planning process, they were considering two ideas for STS's successor: Yo Gabba Gabba and Ipad. Ipad was the one mentioned in the Boston Globe Article “Children’s show Shining Time Station Victim of rating drops”. Yo Gabba Gabba was later, somewhere along the line, picked up by another production team, and Ipad was the show to replace STS.
During the development process, many changes were made to how it was described in the article. They changed the amount of kids from 6 to 11. By the time auditions for the show rolled around, the name had been changed to Pizza. (Also, these working titles could have started a rumor that there briefly started filming a season 11 of the STS. In reality, it was a part of an early development plan when they sent in for funding for STS Season 11/Pizza to the National Science Foundation. It said that Shining Time Station and Ipad were to be combined in one backdoor season, making season 11 the final season of the STS as well as the first season of Ipad. For more, see They also started creating main characters. The most recognizable change occurred when they decided to make it a Revival to the 1972-1978 PBS TV Show for Kids, ZOOM. It was not only changed to a Science Show, but they realized that the host would want another in the title. By then, the name had been changed to that title you’re all familiar with: I Think I Can Productions. (Probably at this point, all plans for a season 11 of the STS were scrubbed.) Later in the show, more characters were created, such as Caroline, Claudio, Kenny, Jessie, Ray, Buzz, Kaleigh, Rachel, Frances, and Eric. The Show was renamed the 1972-1978 Show's Name, ZOOM.
Unlike STS, in which certain Trains, ZOOM had Kids. ZOOM brought in both old STS fans and new fans as well. ZOOM was popular all the way up through its seventh season.
In November, 2004 WGBH Boston announced that they will be having audition for ZOOM's 8th season. Even some of the cast members said that the show was having auditions for the show and promoting it. On January 9 and 10, 2005 auditions were held for the new season. Over 3,700 children auditioned for the show in the studio and the expected more than 150 video submissions via mail for the show. Children came from all across the nation to Audition for the show.
Casting for the new season was complete all ready by the time April arrived. On WGBH’s auction site fans started finding stuff that they were selling from ZOOM. Some of the items were the season 3 to 5 Computer and the Map for the show. They were able to sell the Computer but having no luck with the Map. At this time fans thought they were just upgrading the set for the new season but they were wrong.
On June 14, 2005, People asked one of the people on the WGBH Facebook page if they could take pictures of the crew putting up the set for the new season. They came back to them and said the ZOOM was no longer in production at WGBH. I even confirmed this on ZOOM” Facebook page and they said the same thing but they did say it was due to Low Ratings for a new season. WGBH said that season 7 will be the seventh and final season of ZOOM. When the word was out the fans wanted to do something, so they decided to create a petition to help save the show. A petition was created, as well a video about the cancellation for the show. Fans didn’t what the something to happen to ZOOM.
On June 27, 2005, Noreen Raja made the official announcement at the Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony. On his Facebook page he said, "It's such an impossible task going up against Sesame Street, Between the Lions, and Barney & Friends. So you have to consider the nomination as a win. Can't complain. PBS gave us 201 episodes and 7 seasons. A few more petitions were created after Noreen announced this. In late September Noreen and Glen were talking about ZOOM on facebook. Glen Berger Said Yeah, I've had better summers. But things are looking up. I am going to be talking to Marcy and Kate in a couple weeks to see if we can't get the ZOOMers back in the game. Noreen replied by saying good luck with Marcy and Kate. Those poor Kids need mouth to snout resuscitation! There has been no word on this at this time.
On May 6, 2005 ZOOM, ended and finished its fifth season. The show ended with the Kids' Names. Noreen Raja did say she did not redo the final scene of ZOOM, by saying that she originally did that scene back in February when the Kids talking to Puppets was taking place. Soon many fans started reacting by creating petitions to save the show as well. Also the signatures on the petitions kept on growing. In December 2005 on the ZOOM, page they said in a comment, they have some great ideas to keep things going. But won’t know if it a go for several months. By the end of the year there were 7 petitions all together now we have 14 petitions as of today.
In May 29, 2006 a new show came to PBS Kids with the new show some more bad things would happen to ZOOM. Some of the stations started taking the show off its lineup. In June PBS announced that the government wanted to get rid of public funding for good. This got the attention of more ZOOM, fans and the petitions started to skyrocket. Also some of the stations started only showing one or two seasons of the show and not all of them anymore. The producers at WGBH said they are actively pursuing ways to allow the ZOOMers to live on in new and exciting ways and possibly even through new mediums. We greatly appreciate our fans’ support, and will continue to update them on any new developments.
After one year, since the announcement, many fans were still upset the show was not coming back. Petitions kept on growing and going very strong. Along with the petitions now, a blogg, email account, and a twitter were for the petitions. Jim did confirm he still does the video games for the web site. Parents have commented on the petions and WGBH ZOOM site (not PBS Kids) and said there children are really upset that the show is done. Some of them are finally old enough to audition for the show and now they can’t.
Many ZOOMers and TV stars haver signed the petitions. Here who has signed it. Dan Schneider
Miss. Lori Holten Nash
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez
Noreen Raja
Caroline Botelho
Casting for the new season was complete all ready by the time April arrived. On WGBH’s auction site fans started finding stuff that they were selling from ZOOM. Some of the items were the season 3 to 5 Computer and the Map for the show. They were able to sell the Computer but having no luck with the Map. At this time fans thought they were just upgrading the set for the new season but they were wrong.
On June 14, 2005, People asked one of the people on the WGBH Facebook page if they could take pictures of the crew putting up the set for the new season. They came back to them and said the ZOOM was no longer in production at WGBH. I even confirmed this on ZOOM” Facebook page and they said the same thing but they did say it was due to Low Ratings for a new season. WGBH said that season 7 will be the seventh and final season of ZOOM. When the word was out the fans wanted to do something, so they decided to create a petition to help save the show. A petition was created, as well a video about the cancellation for the show. Fans didn’t what the something to happen to ZOOM.
On June 27, 2005, Noreen Raja made the official announcement at the Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony. On his Facebook page he said, "It's such an impossible task going up against Sesame Street, Between the Lions, and Barney & Friends. So you have to consider the nomination as a win. Can't complain. PBS gave us 201 episodes and 7 seasons. A few more petitions were created after Noreen announced this. In late September Noreen and Glen were talking about ZOOM on facebook. Glen Berger Said Yeah, I've had better summers. But things are looking up. I am going to be talking to Marcy and Kate in a couple weeks to see if we can't get the ZOOMers back in the game. Noreen replied by saying good luck with Marcy and Kate. Those poor Kids need mouth to snout resuscitation! There has been no word on this at this time.
On May 6, 2005 ZOOM, ended and finished its fifth season. The show ended with the Kids' Names. Noreen Raja did say she did not redo the final scene of ZOOM, by saying that she originally did that scene back in February when the Kids talking to Puppets was taking place. Soon many fans started reacting by creating petitions to save the show as well. Also the signatures on the petitions kept on growing. In December 2005 on the ZOOM, page they said in a comment, they have some great ideas to keep things going. But won’t know if it a go for several months. By the end of the year there were 7 petitions all together now we have 14 petitions as of today.
In May 29, 2006 a new show came to PBS Kids with the new show some more bad things would happen to ZOOM. Some of the stations started taking the show off its lineup. In June PBS announced that the government wanted to get rid of public funding for good. This got the attention of more ZOOM, fans and the petitions started to skyrocket. Also some of the stations started only showing one or two seasons of the show and not all of them anymore. The producers at WGBH said they are actively pursuing ways to allow the ZOOMers to live on in new and exciting ways and possibly even through new mediums. We greatly appreciate our fans’ support, and will continue to update them on any new developments.
After one year, since the announcement, many fans were still upset the show was not coming back. Petitions kept on growing and going very strong. Along with the petitions now, a blogg, email account, and a twitter were for the petitions. Jim did confirm he still does the video games for the web site. Parents have commented on the petions and WGBH ZOOM site (not PBS Kids) and said there children are really upset that the show is done. Some of them are finally old enough to audition for the show and now they can’t.
Many ZOOMers and TV stars haver signed the petitions. Here who has signed it. Dan Schneider
Miss. Lori Holten Nash
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez
Noreen Raja
Caroline Botelho
Kaleigh Cronin
Demi Lovato
Kyle Larrow
Miranda Cosgrove
Emily Marshall
Other ZOOMers are on the Facebook petitions.
Miranda Cosgrove
Emily Marshall
Other ZOOMers are on the Facebook petitions.
You might say that, oh, that’s good! Petitions are out there, people are signing them, so why bother mentioning this at all?
Some people are claiming that stations are starting to pull ZOOM off the air in that local area. This could be a sign that the rights are on the “verge” of expiring. Even though we still are uncertain if what WGBH said about STS was true or not, ZOOM easily could be on the verge if the same thing happened to STS. The more stations that pull ZOOM off the air, the more likely ZOOM’s rights will expire. If fans don’t do something now, FETCH!’s rights could go up in arms just like Sesame Street’s Director’s Cut and STS's rights. With all of the petitions added up on Facebook,youtube petition online, and two other sites we have 2868 signatures, but we still need more! If everyone who views this video signs the petition at, we could get more seasons of ZOOM getting produced really soon!!
If privacy is a concern, there is no need to worry! lets the signer choose who can or can’t see your email address. While there is a public option, it isn’t being shown anymore due to spam and virus protection of signers. You can also set it at “available to the petition author”, which will make it only available to the party who created the petition. Alternatively, you can set it as “private”, making it stored securely for verification purposes only, making it visible to no one. Also, the location field is 100% optional.
Copyrights are a powerful, legal right, but the fans wants are constantly getting battered to and fro due to them. The journey down Sesame Street left Britt Allcroft’s wishes not come true, and the fans want to help her. But the rights to who can say “yes” or “no” is a question that no one really can answer for certain. Zoom was a semi-wiki approach to children’s television, but the STS still contains questions about who owns the rights to STS. Is it WGBH? Or is it Kate Taylor’s production team, and with it potentially More Thomas TV Shows and the Show is hosted by a Conductor? And ZOOM is another cancelled show who could be on the verge to a similar fate as STS. While many fans are banding together to save this awesome show, only time will tell if we will be successful. So when the rights are up in arms, who knows what will come next in our journey. When the DMCA doesn’t explain who owns the rights, and when neither Fair Use nor any other copyright law doesn’t say if you can use it or release it, the only thing that can give us permission is time as we figure out the copy-write stuff!
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