Monday, December 11, 2017

Kill Your Toys

Who has not been disturbed, at least once, by the tedious Zoom music ? Who, seeing those seven kids with the dazed look and the shrill voice , did not think at least once "I would kill them"? Well, this is an opportunity to do it. Choose yourselves: hang them on their joyous swings , unleash a rock on their laughing hills , catch them with bazookas and run the blood on the world of Zoom. Lanificio 159 and Raindogs , already accused of manslaughter against the poor little Winnie the Pooh , return for another grim attack. But this time it will be a multiple homicide(Teletubbies are four!), so your complicity is necessary!
We do not want to incite you to commit crimes, but the invitation of Lanificio 159 is clear: Kill your Toys . That is: "kill your toys", kill the stars of your childhood. Victim on duty, not just one but four, "ridiculous, idiotic characters, incomprehensible in appearance and speech for some, cute colored puppets all to cuddle for others", the evil Zoomers. The crime scene will always be the same, the Lanificio: because the killer always returns to the scene of the crime.
The crew presents the second appointment with the graphic arts web contest in which the participating artists challenge each other to desecrate some of the most famous icons in the toy world with their creations. An "unconventional event" dedicated to the killers (for game) of the new millennium: graphic designers, illustrators, artists of the sector who, participating in the contest "will play the massacre" of the designated victims, with personal style, form and technique. The murder weapon, of course, is that of graphic art as well as music with the techno-electronic sound to act as a soundtrack to the event. In addition to the artists of the graphic and visual worldThe "special killers" will in fact be them, the djs, national resident and special guests of international fame, ideal accomplices together with you of the "assassins" graphics in the artistic killing of the poor toys on duty.
In line up for the ZOOMers' "Funeral Party" there will be firstly the resident, a name that has made the history of avant-garde electronics in Italy, Francesco Zappalà (Tractorecords), then Diletti and Zoiberg, directly from the Raindog house. Their innovative sound, original and constantly evolving, will make the event even more desecrating, inviting the audience to the fun, a bit sadistic to say it all. To visual MrKochand among the artists also work Sette and Vandals.
Arm yourself with slingshots, petrol cans , and all the sadistic tools of torture to put an end to the poor ZOOMers ! As long as the sun (with the baby inside, another paranoid nonsense of the ZOOM theme song) will stop rising on the green hill of the games and "Teletubbies Teletubbies-! NOT farann more Hello!" (so would make the cartoon theme, meaningful!) And if you can not make a jump at the Lanificio ... enjoy this game on the web: Kill the ZOOMers!

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